You asked, we answered
Roundtable recap
Our evolution to Bloom Growth™ has brought a lot of questions. Our leadership team recently held an open Q&A discussion to answer all your questions about our transition to Bloom. Here is your FAQ page answering all your questions about our new brand.
Why now?
EOS has chosen to build their own platform, and has chosen to terminate our licensing arrangement. We are required to change our name and remove our terms from the software. While some in our position might view this with frustration, we’ve chosen to view this as a gift, an opportunity. Today as a result of this termination, we feel more in alignment with who we are, and have a new-found freedom to share it with you. Today, scarcity has been replaced with abundance and endless possibility.
What’s next?
We’ve discovered a better way for a business to run. A way to achieve greater results and reduce stress by becoming attuned to our humanity, not suppressing it. Something becomes available if we are willing to let go of conversations of force and adopt a philosophy of choice.
Much of business today consists of a set of best practices. Operating systems systematize what works into a set of tools. We’ve spent our time observing the various operating systems, their tools and what they teach. And perhaps more importantly, when they work and why. In our observation, we paid special attention not just to how well these tools work, but also to how well they harmonize with our humanity. Do we feel like we are true to ourselves when we apply these tools or are we simply mechanically following a process and then dealing with the side effects? Do these tools produce or alleviate anxiety when they are applied? We’ve better understood how those tools work toward — and where they work against– our humanity. As we’ve looked, we’ve discovered that we feel most out of alignment with ourselves wherever a conversation of force is present, forcing others or forcing ourselves. Where ever these tools achieve workability by force, the tool ought to be transformed.
After transforming the tools, things work because they are in alignment with working, in alignment with our humanity. No longer do they work because we force them to work. Our business can resonate with who we are. No forcing or fighting. Like a child on a swing, a small push at just the right time makes all the difference.
Our humanity no longer takes a back seat to workability. Both can be fully present.
When you and your organization are ready to choose this path, we’re ready to be your guide.
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Question’s about terminology
Answered by our support team. Download our terminology PDF here.
It was said that the software will be customizable. Does that mean I could theoretically customize my nomenclature back to EOS terms?
You can choose to edit the terms, yes. We wont be able to type them in for you, as we’re legally prohibited from using EOS terms going forward.
When you change the name of something does it change it for everyone or will each person have to go in and make those name changes?
This is meeting specific. You will be required to change those terms meeting by meeting.
Are those words optional?
You can edit them, yes.
Can we switch the terms back to EOS terminology?
If they wish to change back to EOS terms, we can’t do that for them, but they are welcome to do anything they want with their own accounts, they own this data.
If we are able to customize all the terms to fit whatever platform we use, wouldn't we be able to switch terms back from Bloom defaults to EOS pure? Like switch goals back to rocks?
Yes, you will be able to edit those fields in the best way you feel appropriate for your company.
If we are still using an EOS implementer.. Will they use EOS terms and we will use Bloom?
We’re not sure what the implementer community will choose to do. It’s our preference that our shared customers have a great experience and get tremendous results out of their operating system of choice. We’re prohibited legally from using the terms within the software. you and your implementer are not prohibited from using the terms.
Question’s about EOS Licensing
Answered by our leadership team.
What was the reason for EOS pulling the licensing?
EOS Worldwide chose to end our licensing agreement as EOS continues to build their own software.
Why no operating agreement with EOS? What happened?
EOS Worldwide chose to end our licensing agreement as EOS builds their own software.
So just to be clear... EOS is not changing- Traction Tools has to change as EOS is not allowing the their proprietary terms etc to be used in your system?
That’s correct.
Question’s about data
Answered by our support team.
Does all of our existing data and information automatically carry over?
Everything will transfer automatically. Same data, same username and password. The only differences are the URL, a dozen or so terms, and the shape of the business plan.
Will our existing V/TO™ in Traction remain there as is or will it automatically change format to the new V/TO format?
The shape of the business plan will be changed along with any trademarked & copywrited terms. All your data will remain intact.
So no loss of data for the end user?
Correct, there will be no change or loss in your data.
Will all of the archive data that we have currently within Traction® Tools be available for us to review once we switch to Bloom with the new URL?
The look and feel of the site will not change following the transition to the new url. All your data will still be available in largely the same format you are familiar with. We’ll be sure to make pre- and post-transition backups of our database in addition to our usual automated backups. There is nothing you need to do to protect your data.
What happens to the EOSI access to client accounts?
EOSIs will continue to have access to client accounts.
Question’s about EOS
Answered by our leadership team.
My company is focused around Gino's books. It seems like there is going to be a disconnect. How do I talk about Rocks and Accountability Charts from the books and apply that to the software?
The differences between terms will be minimal. Explaining rocks and accountability charts should not change nor be complex. We want to assist in creating clarity for your teams. Our learning portal may assist in this explanation.
Will Bloom as a company be operating on EOS?
Bloom as a company believe in the simplicity of EOS and will use the methodologies that continue to provide value to our teams and incorporate resources, tools, philosphies and methodologies that meet our organization where it’s at at any given time. Abundance and growth for our organization and our clients’ organizations is our goal. As we grow others grow.
Question’s about features
Answered by our product team.
Is there an opportunity to update the look/feel? I share the screen via a projector and the team has trouble reading. Also, some of the windows force to scroll down to see a button/option.
Our new UI should be much better for projectors!!! Full screen expansion should help with this.
When will we be able to have a measurable/metric on the scorecard "owned" by more than one user?
We have this request in our future feature roadmap
Being free of EOS changes do you see making a lot of changes to the user experience.
Yes, we are free to explore possibilities that were previously forbidden.
I assume that the API kit and IPaaS solutions that use it, like or Zapier, will function the same, but does this open up options for you guys to provide more functions on that side?
The functionality that is already plugged into other SaaS products such as Zapier should still work like they did before with Bloom. As for expanding their functionality, We would love to do that in the futures per priority. As for now we’re just going to be making some terminology updates.
Is there a timeline for deployment of the newer software?
All EOS terminology will be removed from our platform by October 31. The new UI/UX will launch throughout 2023 as it is completed.
Very tactical question - will milestones ever be able to be assigned an owner (that is not the rock owner)? This is the only thing our team every complains about, btw.
This is in our future iterations.We will have the comment feature available which could help with communicating the status of a milestone.
Feature request: Pop-out text area for the notes section of an issue. the interface for the L10 issues are takes up a lot which doesn't leave much room for the notes which is where most of the time is spent during the IDS part of the meeting.
Our new drawers should help with note taking for IDS. Notes can expand full screen.
Can you review reporting... Are we going to be able to have better visibility to the meetings occuring and better reporting with quarterly conversations and check ins?
From my understanding here are some extra feature we have included that can help with visibility (but I am not sure I am answering the question correctly)
This is the current functionality exists in the software:
option1: User add themselves as a meeting summary subscriber so you get an email after every single L10 or Same page
option2: And you can look at the history of a meeting by checking the meeting minutes section, this has to be done meeting by meeting though.
option3: as an admin user should be able to see the list for every single meeting in the organization and you’ll see the “Started” icon next to each meeting as they’re being ran.
Future possibilities:
The Rock section has new tabs that help users see what the department and company rocks are. We also have a green blinking dot while the meeting is running in case a user goes out of the meeting. Our check in has a new ice breaker questions options to help team connect Our conclude section has a place for feedback Each to-dos, issue etc.. has a comment section where user can talk about a specific item when they are offline. The notification panel will let a user know if someone has added a comment in a respective item. Metrics can have a small note inside a cell
Will there be abiltiy to have better print finctionality from the Accountability chart for ease by dept?
We are in the process of collecting the data around the feature printing. This would be a great addition to our research. We have this feature as a part of our roadmap.
I would like to know if there are plans to include better analytics on goals (rocks) from an admin or leadership level, to analyze in aggregate. For example, what % of rocks are being completed by the organization? By certain departments? By certain people? What specific rocks are not getting done?
This feature is still in progress, However we already have some very awesome improvement of how to search and look for a specific item, person or set of data: Data Browse. This feature is a very powerful filter that can help users search and find what they need. We also have a new enhancement to this filter called “heads up.” This new enhancement will filter through all the late, overdue, off track items. User can search and filter for whatever they want! We will also include the archive items in this new data browse. Metrics can be seen as charts and users can compare similar metric values in one chart. Our conclude section has some quick analytics but for the meeting only.
Can you allow for Bloom Growth to automatically move "milestones" into the To-dos based on when the milestone is due? This would be a significant improvement.
We have a toggle that allows users to create to-dos for milestones not completed 7 days before the due date. This will be automatic if it is enabled. This is feature coming up with our new improvements.
Question’s about Logins
Answered by our support team.
Will my Traction Tools user name and password carry over to the Bloom Growth platform?
That’s correct. If you are using a password manager you may need to copy the username and password from the domain to the domain. If you still have questions about password managers, we are creating documentation on how to accomplish this. If you have any questions please reach out.
When will the url change and will the users need to create new login credentials?
The URL is required to change based on the terms of our licensing agreement no later than 10/31. You will not be required to change credentials. If a password does not work our team will be happy to assist in resetting the password.
Question’s about ownership
Answered by our leadership team.
Who is the owner of your company today?
The company is privately owned. Clay Upton, our visionary, is one of our owners.
Are you still owned by a private equity firm? What firm?
Hi there. We’ve always been 100% privately owned. We’re owned by our three original founders: Clay Upton, Todd Smart, and Jay Wilkinson. We’ve never been owned by a PE firm and have been distinct from EOS Worldwide.
What is Bloom's relationship? PE and are they funding you? Do they have a tech background?
We are 100% privately owned and funded. We’re separate entities from EOS Worldwide, the owners of the trademarked terms. Firefly is the PE that owns EOS Worldwide. I’m not sure of Firefly’s background and whether it’s in tech.
Question’s about Partnerships
Answered by our product team.
We will continue to have access to Whale and People Tools?
Yes we will continue to have access to People Tools and Whale.
Will you be continuing the parternship with Whale? We have made a significant investment in both Traction and Whale and want to continue that going forward with Bloom Growth.
We will continue to partner with Whale and all our current vendors. We value those partnerships and only see them getting stronger.
What is the correlation between Whale and Bloom Growth? Do you still plan to integrate?
Question’s about pricing
Answered by our leadership team.
Will there be a new licensing and pricing requirement? If so, when will that information become available?
There will be an adjustment of the terms of service. This will reflect the change in our organization’s name. We are not considering a price increase at this moment.
Are there any plans on changing or pricing and what does your 70K ft strategy look like along those lines?
This is not on our radar right now. We’re focused on this transition, building the next version of our software, and launching the future of bloom. Any pricing decisions will come from a place of abundance and partnership.
Question’s about the roll out
Answered by our marketing and product team.
Will the specific date when the transition will occur from Traction to Bloom Growth, specifically the change of terms in the system, be provided?
Changes will be made before October 31st, 2022. We will announce the specific date several days before via email and banner messages.
Once you know the launch date, will you email all Traction Tools admin with the date?
We will be in communication with admins on the launch date so they can prepare their team for the changes.
Can we get a breif recap of the timeline of rollout to changes to the site?
Our license agreement ends on October 31st. We’re required ro make the transition before then. The software will transition sometime in the next two weeks, we’ll give a heads up before that happens.
Question’s about the software
Answered by our support team.
Will there be any functionality changes to the traction tools platform? Any asethetic changes? If so, when will those changes be launched?
Eventually, yes. Our engineers are currently coding a brand new platform with an entirely new UI/UX. That is expected in 2023.
We have some employees that participate in L10s for more than one company. So in the past they have had multiple logins (one for each company). Might it be possible to have one login and then "toggle" between companies after log in?
If the employee uses the same email address for each company they will be able to “Change Organizations” from one account to the other through the one login. If you require help updating email address please feel free to reach out to
How much is going to change? For instance, it's hard to imagine the V/TO as anything but that‚ will someone work with existing users to smooth the transition?
Our team’s commitment to serving our clients will remain the same. The love to help and will be available for you to ensure a smooth transition.
When you change the name of something does it change it for everyone or will each person have to go in and make those name changes?
This is meeting specific. You will be required to change those terms meeting by meeting.
How do those quarterly sessions work with the new software?
Our plan is to change some elements of the special sessions, primarily surounding the terminology
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