Measure success
Manage more and stress less with easy-to-toggle company goal tracking and milestones. Each Goal is broken up into measurable milestones that allow you to view progress from start to finish.

Keep leadership up to speed
Get the information you need to ensure your team’s Goals are progressing smoothly from quarter to quarter and gaining momentum over time.

Add Goals hands-free
Automatically add Goals to the Weekly Meeting agenda as soon as they’re created. Plus, Company Goals are automatically added to the Business Plan.

Find your Goals when you need them
You can see Goals in your Weekly Meeting, company’s workspace, or view your personal Goals from your individual workspace.
Company Goals and Personal Goals
With our comprehensive meeting software, accountability has never looked so good. You have all the tools needed to easily maximize your Goals and master the organizational component of your business.

Share Goals with other meetings
We know some Goals may involve teams or departments other than yours. Sharing Goals with other Weekly Meeting is easy. After you enter the data once, you can assign it to other meetings and easily keep track of the Goal progress in both places.
Reassign Goals
What happens if the owner of a Goal moves to a different seat or leaves your organization? Admins can reassign Goals to a different person to ensure no Goals gets left behind.
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