Boosting productivity and achieving team alignment begins with a customized, organized workspace. We recently introduced updates that elevate the digital workspace experience within Bloom Growth, offering a fresh, intuitive design along with powerful tools for customization and task...
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Lifecycle of a goal: Planning, execution and achievement
Goals are the foundation of a business’s success. They provide direction, motivation and focus to help teams reach their business objectives. But goal setting is only half the battle... for goals to be effective, they must also be monitored and fine-tuned over...
Tips for taking meeting minutes effectively
Did you ever have summer reading assignments as a kid and wait until the last day before looking up a plot summary and cramming the night before? Meeting minutes are the equivalent of a good book summary. You get the plot, resources, important topics, and tasks...
Tips for an effective whiteboard meeting
If you're like most entrepreneurs, you've probably had your fair share of whiteboard meetings. (A whiteboard meeting is basically a brainstorming session where participants utilize a whiteboard to nurture participation and understanding.) And if you're anything...
Actionable tips to make meetings more effective
We all know how frustrating it can be to attend an unproductive meeting and frankly, most of them are due to a lack of preparation and a clear purpose. But what if there was an easy way to make meetings more effective, transparent and enjoyable? Well, we've got...
Work from home vs. Work from anywhere—what’s the difference?
There's no question that working from home has its benefits. You can save on commute time and office costs, plus the added bonus of being able to work in your pajamas if you so desire. But is it really the best option for everyone? In this blog post, we'll explore...
Tips for choosing a business operating system for your team
Are you an entrepreneur with a small business? Are you part of a leadership team? Looking to scale your business, big or small? Maybe you’ve hit a ceiling and you’re searching for solutions? If so, you’re in the right place. Establishing a business operating system...