No matter where you are in your management journey, one thing remains constant—your ability to lead people matters more than just technical expertise. In fact, research shows that 89% of hiring managers believe a lack of soft skills leads to poor hires, yet many managers focus more on hard...
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Hot Tips to Draw Out More Creative Participation in Meetings
Solving Issues requires sticking your neck out there, once in a while. To do that, you’ve got to trust that the guy next to you isn’t hiding an axe!
Need to Get More Done? Get More Rest!
If you’ve got to get things done, you need downtime. It may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true: resting more will boost your productivity.
Micromanaging Goals
Some leaders and managers have been tempted to deviate from the 5-minute rock review we teach in the Weekly Meeting, desiring something more detailed than a simple, on track/off track, report.
5 Team-Boosting Communication Hacks You Never Thought Of
Communication apps can be great tools, but not every app is the right app for your company. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.
What is Female Integrator Mastermind (FIM)?
This blog originally appeared on the FIM website. When I began my career at BCR® Wealth Strategies, the leadership team requested I read Workspace by Gino Wickman. As I was reading the book, I remember thinking, “Integrator? Did someone just...
Clear the Fog – Strengthen Your Data Component
As a card-carrying Visionary, I’d never advocate for dismissing the great gut feel most entrepreneurs use to make decisions. But I’ve seen firsthand that the best decisions are made when you temper that gut feel with real, objective data.