Boosting productivity and achieving team alignment begins with a customized, organized workspace. We recently introduced updates that elevate the digital workspace experience within Bloom Growth, offering a fresh, intuitive design along with powerful tools for customization and task...
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How to give feedback to employees
Last week, we talked about how to give feedback to your boss. But, what about the flip side? How can you give feedback to your employees in a way that’s respectful, considerate and effective? The answer isn’t always straightforward. Don’t sweat it—we’re here to...
How to give feedback to your boss
I think we can all agree on one thing: giving and accepting feedback is an art form. It takes practice, mindfulness and tons of preparation. Yet, giving tough feedback is absolutely essential for growth in the workplace. Delivering feedback to your boss can be...
Things to keep in mind when reopening your business
With states beginning to relax their Stay-at-Home orders, more and more businesses are getting ready to reopen their doors. For the past three months, millions of Americans have worked from home, meaning this transition will likely be tricky at every level of...
Do high-performing employees need coaching?
In the workplace, it can be easy to forget that high-performing employees need support just as much as everyone else. The truth is that everyone needs a little help sometimes, and high-performers are no different. High-performing employees definitely need coaching...
How to coach different leadership styles
As a business coach, it’s your responsibility to guide a business through its ups and downs. It’s a rewarding gig, and in the process, you’ll get to meet tons of different, interesting business-owners — all of them with a unique leadership style that requires...
The pros and cons of group business coaching
We all need a little help sometimes — and the workplace is no different. Hiring a business coach is a great way to align your team and find new avenues of growth, and it can offer some serious benefits. Generally speaking, there are two types of business coaching:...