Boosting productivity and achieving team alignment begins with a customized, organized workspace. We recently introduced updates that elevate the digital workspace experience within Bloom Growth, offering a fresh, intuitive design along with powerful tools for customization and task...
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Solving Problems at Work: It doesn’t mean what you think it means!
People often think of problems as a negative thing. But what if we were to flip that perspective and approach issues as opportunities for growth? We’ve laid out important steps to take when you need to work together to find long-term solutions for issues in the...
What to do when you can’t agree on business goals
In order for a business to run smoothly, your leadership team needs to have clear alignment on business goals. If leadership can’t agree on business goals, employees won’t have appropriate direction and productivity will come to a halt. Disagreeing on where to go...
The 7 best personality assessments for the workplace
You’ve already read about the benefits of using personality quizzes in the workplace. Now we’ve broken down some of our favorite professional assessments that we’ve found can be helpful contributors to employee (and employer!) success. 1.Predictive Index Purpose...
How to navigate difficult coworker relationships
Conflict is inevitable, especially when people work closely together in the workplace. The cool thing is, some conflict in the workplace can be beneficial. Understanding how to navigate what seems like a negative work relationship gives you the opportunity to learn...
Do personality quizzes belong in the workplace?
Did you ever stay up late taking quizzes to find out what U.S. city to visit on vacation or what kind of bread you are? If you did (it’s okay, we won’t tell anyone!), you totally understand how fun it can be to use random questions to learn a bit more about...
Learn how one leadership team worked together for guaranteed success
One of the benefits to using the best operating system for your company is seeing the results of having the right people in the right seats. We had the opportunity to sit down with a V/I (Visionary/Integrator) Duo™ to get a first-hand account of their experience...