Meetings are the cornerstone of effective teamwork, but poorly managed discussions can derail productivity. The latest version of Bloom Growth is packed with powerful upgrades designed to transform your meeting experience. With upgraded design, enhanced customization options, and smarter tools,...
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Using Texting Actions with Bloom Growth
Gone are the days of shuffling through your notes app, planner or post-its to remember new Issues, To-Dos and People Headlines. When your next big idea pops into your head, text it to your account using Bloom Growth’ Texting Actions for on-the-go agenda management. Here's how to get started!
It’s okay to change your team structure
As your business grows, you might realize that the same roles or departments that used to work no longer translate to your team or vision. Remember: growth = change. Sometimes, that means redefining your team structure—whether it’s creating new roles, shifting team focus or reallocating your resources.
#SorryNotSorry: How to unapologetically own your day
Before we start, let’s put something out there: taking care of yourself is not selfish. That’s why we are huge proponents of unapologetically doing what’s best for you!
6 things every new entrepreneur should know
The biggest secret to running a successful business: there’s no secret at all. With that being said, everyone needs a place to start. So read on for some entrepreneurial inspo to get the ball rolling!
The benefits of taking mental health days
Sometimes, it’s easy to feel like you can “push through” a rough mental health day at work. But taking (and encouraging others to take) time off to prioritize mental wellbeing doesn’t just save you time and energy in the long run. There are a wealth of other benefits, too!
4 ways to shake up your meetings
Meetings getting monotonous? Look on the bright side: it’s great that you’ve fallen into a groove with your team! That said, it doesn’t hurt to shake things up every now and then. Here are a few of our favorite tips for keeping team meetings fresh and fun.