Success isn’t just about setting goals—it’s about tracking progress and making data-driven decisions. With Bloom Growth’s newly enhanced KPI scorecard, teams can monitor key metrics, analyze trends, and hit their goals more efficiently than ever before. Whether you're tracking sales,...
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Managing stress at work: how to overcome when overwhelmed
When feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to remember the feeling is temporary. There are actionable strategies you can use to reclaim your balance and get back on track—and by reading this blog, you’ll take the first, crucial step.
5 Tips to get the most out of your company’s annual planning meeting
Annual planning gives you the chance to dream big dreams for your company—to imagine what’s possible and to reach for the moon. Annual planning can be a time for celebrating the past year’s wins and getting excited about moving forward with the next phase of your business strategy. Unfortunately, annual planning can also be a frustrating, stressful time. There might be disagreements, pet priorities, and LONG days of unending, exhausting discussion.
4 Types of Business Goals to Set This Year
Nothing screams “end of year wrap-up” like reflecting on everything you’ve achieved with your business. It’s an exciting time to celebrate with everyone you’ve worked so hard with. The part about measuring all your wins over the past year is the fact that your progress doesn’t end when the clock strikes 12. Use the momentum you’ve gained throughout the year to inspire the next goals to achieve heading into the new year.
4 tips for a productive routine minus the monotony
Some people thrive in routine. They love waking up knowing exactly what mountains need to be climbed, and they are up for the challenge. Other people find joy in spontaneity and prefer to tackle things as they come. Both of these approaches are totally valid ways to plan your day—and it all comes down to knowing when to plan, and knowing when not to plan.
The definitive guide to defining your company’s values
Choosing your company values isn’t always straightforward. In fact, it can be downright hard to summarize your guiding principles in a few brief statements. If you're struggling to pin down your organization's values, we've got your back.
Filling the gap: 6 steps to identify & define new positions
Changing your team structure is always risky—and so is hiring someone new. But with a little strategic thinking, ingenuity and a healthy dose of honesty, we’ll help you scale your company the right way. Come along as we explore six key steps to identify, define and hire for the right positions.