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“Goldilocks” solution: optimizing team meetings for tailored productivity

Jul 24, 2024

Meetings are a necessary part of business, but not all meetings are created equal. The value of a customizable weekly meeting agenda cannot be overstated—it’s the “Goldilocks” solution for your team’s productivity. By tailoring the length and content of your meetings, you can ensure they’re just right for your needs. Let’s explore the benefits of a customized meeting.

Saves time

Time is a precious commodity in the workplace. Tailored meetings hone in on what’s essential, cutting out the fluff that can make meetings drag on. This focus means less time is wasted, freeing up hours for everyone to dedicate to their actual tasks. It’s about working smarter, not longer.

Bloom offers fully-customizable meeting agendas as part of the meeting experience. You can add as many sections as you need, rename them, and assign time-limits to keep the meeting moving in the right direction. This basic necessity, organizing and optimizing meeting time, can translate to thousands of salary dollars saved each time you meet. Game changer? We think so.

Boosts engagement

When meetings are efficient and directly relevant to team members’ work, engagement naturally increases. People are more likely to pay attention, participate actively, and bring ideas to the table that could lead to innovative solutions. This boost in morale translates into improved job satisfaction and motivation across the board.
Ensuring that you have the right team members in the meeting is a great place to start. For more ideas on promoting team engagement, we’d recommend reading our ebook The ultimate better-meeting playbook: boosting productivity and engagement for specific, practical tips you can use!

Improves communication

Customized meetings can improve communication by addressing the specific needs and goals of the group, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. A focused agenda (link this to the other blog, jobs to be done) guides the team towards productive discussions instead of allowing tangents derail progress.
Personalizing meetings also helps to engage participants, as they feel their input is valued and relevant to the conversation. This intentional approach helps avoid misunderstandings and aligns everyone towards common goals. Clear communication is the backbone of any successful team.

Simplifies goals

Achieving business goals requires a clear pathway for contribution from each team member. Meetings that systematically review goals and metrics create a roadmap for success, making it easier for everyone to understand their role in the bigger picture.
At Bloom, we use a “faucet to funnel” approach. The structure of our meetings are intentionally top-heavy to encourage team members to get everything out in the open. Is your goal off-track? Drop it down to the issues list. Is that KPI missing the mark this week? Drop it down. Megan’s birthday is coming up and we need to plan a party? Drop it down.
When the team gets to the issues section of the meeting, they can prioritize what will move the company forward and solve for those first. It also serves as an optimal time to assign action-items so each team member knows how they should contribute.
Bloom tip: use priority voting or star voting to decide which issues should be discussed first during your weekly meeting.

Enhances decision-making

With a streamlined meeting agenda, decision-making becomes quicker and clearer. Only the necessary information is presented and deliberated upon, leading to action and better business outcomes.
Bloom Growth is an ecosystem for growth with an incredible meeting experience that embodies everything outlined above. Our platform supports the creation of customizable agendas that save time, boost engagement, improve communication, simplify goals, and enhance decision-making.
Experience the difference a Bloom meeting can make with a free trial. Start optimizing your team meetings today and watch your productivity soar.

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