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Bloom Growth uses Zapier to optimize business workflows

Dec 13, 2023

On a mission to work smarter not harder? We all are. Optimizing your workflows is essential for the growth of your business. But, selecting the right business management tools to accomplish that can feel overwhelming at times. With Bloom Growth’s ecosystem for growth, your business will be equipped to grow with our customizable business tools, proven best practices, and seamless integrations, like Zapier. 

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, allowing them to work together seamlessly. It automates repetitive tasks by creating workflows, known as “Zaps.”  Zaps then trigger actions in one app based on events in another. With Zapier, you can streamline processes, save time, and enhance productivity by automating various tasks across a wide range of applications compatible with Bloom Growth.

Bloom Growth plus Zapier makes your favorite apps even better

As a business owner or team manager, you constantly look for ways to optimize your workflows—to make every second count. Fortunately, our Zapier integration makes automating those once-monotonous tasks simple. Here are ten of the apps that are most commonly used with Bloom Growth’s Zapier integration:

  • Asana
  • ClickUp
  • Google Calendar
  • Jira
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Quickbooks
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Whale

How Bloom Growth’s marketing team optimized a workflow with Zapier

We’re firm believers in internal adoption which means that we—the team here at Bloom Growth—intentionally utilize the same tools we suggest to you, our clients. On a weekly basis, our marketing team likes to monitor the number of followers that we have on Instagram. While it’s simple to login to Instagram, check how many followers we have, and add that metric to our weekly meeting scorecard, it takes time.

In an effort to add a few minutes back into their day, our social media manager used Zapier to automate this task. After ensuring that Zapier was activated within Bloom (admin’s must do this), our manager went to Zapier to create a new Zap. Then, Zapier’s AI tool helped generate a workflow based on what they needed, which was to “get followers from Instagram every week and update my metrics.” This generated a three-step result that allowed them to connect the Instagram account and their Bloom Growth account. Now, the followers count updates in their weekly meeting scorecard automatically. Brilliant.

This not only automates a task for the team, but it helps with accountability. When the metrics are easily accessible and updated week after week, the entire team is kept in the loop on where we’re at. This helps your team reach more goals faster.


Zapier helps create new possibilities with Bloom Growth app

Although a few minutes may not seem like a lot, when you consider just how many small tasks like this are able to be automated, it opens the door to the type of business optimization that positions you for substantial business growth. Imagine what would be possible if everyone on your team gave themselves an extra five minutes in their day?

It’s always our intention to help our clients create new possibilities in their lives—even if it starts with something as small as a single automation with Zapier. That’s why we’ve made our most popular zaps with Bloom Growth easy to use.



Check our list of popular Zapier integrations
and see if there’s one that you can use starting today.

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