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8 ways to share information safely with competitors

Sep 10, 2024

1. The downside of gatekeeping

2. The benefits of info-sharing

a. Fosters innovation
b. Accelerates growth
c. Builds stronger relationships
d. Encourages a learning culture
e. Industry growth
f. Benchmarking
g. Building reputation

3. How to share information openly with competitors

a. Open communication and knowledge sharing
b. Collaborative projects
c. Celebrate successes together
d. Mentorship and support networks
e. Ethical competition
f. Community engagement
g. Transparency and trust
h. Share useful tools

In today’s business world, the free flow of information is crucial for innovation, growth, and overall success. Yet, gatekeeping—where individuals withhold valuable information—can stifle progress and create unnecessary barriers. And let’s be honest, it’s also kind of pointless given the amount of information that exists online.

At Bloom Growth™, we believe in promoting abundance for all by fostering a culture of openness and collaboration. Let’s explore how we can create an environment of abundance within our industry while sharing information openly and safely, and why you should care.

The downside of gatekeeping

While gatekeeping information can sometimes be beneficial—think financial, legal, or personal information you’re not comfortable sharing—when it comes to sharing knowledge and tools with your peers, gatekeeping information can make you look dishonest and downright insecure. While keeping your image clean is important, the implications of gatekeeping go beyond that:

  • Stifles innovation
  • Slows down progress
  • Reduces collaboration
  • Demotivates peers

The benefits of open info-sharing

Fosters innovation: Sharing information openly encourages the exchange of ideas, leading to more innovative solutions. When professionals from different backgrounds collaborate, they can combine their expertise to tackle complex problems more effectively. This can lead to breakthroughs that benefit the entire industry.

Accelerates growth: Open information sharing can speed up the development process by providing teams with the data they need to make informed decisions quickly.

Builds stronger relationships: Transparency builds trust, which is the foundation of strong professional relationships. When information flows freely, it enhances collaboration and teamwork.

Encourages a learning culture: Open information sharing promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Employees are more likely to share their knowledge and learn from each other, driving overall organizational growth.

Industry growth: By sharing best practices and insights, companies can help elevate the entire industry. This collective growth can lead to new opportunities and markets for everyone involved.

Benchmarking: Sharing information with competitors allows companies to benchmark their performance against industry standards. This can highlight areas for improvement and drive better performance.

Building reputation: Companies that are seen as open and collaborative can build a strong reputation in the industry. This can attract top talent and create new business opportunities.

8 ways to share information with competitors

While it may seem counterintuitive, sharing information with competitors can be beneficial when done correctly. It can lead to industry-wide improvements and foster a sense of community. Here are smart ways to do it:

1. Open communication and knowledge sharing

Encourage open communication and the sharing of knowledge both within your organization and with industry peers. Host regular forums, webinars, and workshops where insights and best practices can be exchanged freely. This not only builds trust but also drives collective growth and innovation.

2. Collaborative projects

Engage in collaborative projects with competitors and other industry players. Joint ventures, research initiatives, and co-hosted events can create a sense of community and shared purpose while benefiting everybody involved. These collaborations can lead to breakthroughs that benefit the entire industry.

3. Celebrate successes together

Acknowledge and celebrate the successes of others in your industry. Whether it’s through social media shoutouts, industry awards, or collaborative case studies, recognizing the achievements of others fosters a supportive environment and shines a positive and ethical light on your brand.

4. Mentorship and support networks

Establish mentorship programs and support networks that extend beyond your organization. By offering guidance and support to emerging leaders and startups in your industry, you contribute to a culture of abundance and mutual growth.

5. Ethical competition

Promote ethical competition by adhering to fair business practices and encouraging others to do the same. Ethical competition ensures that the industry thrives on merit and innovation rather than underhanded tactics.

6. Community engagement

Participate in community engagement activities that benefit the broader industry. This could include sponsoring industry events, contributing to industry publications, or supporting educational initiatives. By investing in the community, you help build a stronger, more resilient industry.

7. Transparency and trust

Build transparency into your business practices. Share your successes, failures, and learnings openly. Transparency fosters trust and encourages others to be open as well, creating a more collaborative industry environment.

8. Share useful tools

One easy way in which you can promote growth and flow of information is by sharing the tools you use in your own business—think project management systems, email providers, networking communities, etc. This will help other organizations grow and thrive without you giving away your secrets.

Having said that Bloom Growth™ is a tool that helps business owners streamline communication and goals between departments, so everyone is rowing in the same direction. Our ethos is about creating opportunities for everybody in our community so we can all grow together. This philosophy is reflected in our platform, which works to democratize information and give everyone a voice, but most importantly, this philosophy is reflected in our culture.

With that in mind, we have created a referral program so you can share Bloom Growth with your peers and colleagues. If you’re a Bloom Growth client who has experienced exponential business growth and team alignment, tell your friends and spread the love.

Refer and earn ♥︎

The Bloom Growth referral program.

Bloom is on a mission to build a network of like-minded individuals who prioritize kindness, gratitude, and service. If Bloom has touched your business—and life—positively, we encourage you to Refer and earn ♥︎ by introducing our services to peers who will love Bloom as much as you do.



As a token of our appreciation for spreading the word about Bloom, you’ll receive a $100 Tango card for each successful referral that leads to a new client. This card is redeemable in a variety of retailers—from Amazon to AirBnB, anything is possible!

Who you can refer

Your referrals can be any individual or business that would benefit from our bouquet of services, including:

Startups looking to scale their business
Companies in search of tools to get their team rowing in the same direction
Teams aiming to boost their productivity through seamless collaboration
Any colleague, peer, or organization that you feel would benefit from Bloom.

How it works

Enroll in the program by clicking on this link
Share your personalized referral code
Keep tabs on your referrals through your referral dashboard.
Once your referral becomes a paying client and meets the set criteria, your reward will be issued.

Read the terms and conditions for the program here.


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